This article describes the different conditions and actions you can use when creating triggers. For information on creating new triggers, see Creating triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications.
This article contains the following sections:
Building trigger condition statements
Condition statements consist of conditions, field operators, and condition values (these vary depending on the condition selected). Condition statements are essentially ‘if’ statements that return all tickets that meet the specified criteria.
For condition statements such as Ticket: Status, Ticket: Group, and Ticket: Assignee, the trigger will fire whenever the condition is changed. Changed refers to any update made to the value, even if the value previously did not exist. For example the Ticket: Group trigger condition will fire even if a ticket is created and a group is assigned to it for the first time.
Condition | Description |
Ticket: Status |
The ticket status values are: New is the initial status of a newly created ticket (not assigned to an agent). Open means that the ticket has been assigned to an agent. Pending is used to indicate that the requester has been asked for information and the ticket is therefore on hold until that information has been received. On-hold means that the support request is awaiting a resolution from a third party—someone who is not a member of your support staff and does not have an agent account in your Zendesk. This status is optional and must be added to your Zendesk (see Adding on-hold ticket status to your Zendesk). Solved indicates that the customer’s issue has been resolved. Tickets remain solved until they are closed. Closed means that the ticket has been locked and cannot be reopened or updated. When selecting a status, you can use the field operators Less Than and Greater Than to specify a range of tickets based on their status. New is the lowest value, with values increasing until you get to Closed status. For example, a condition statement that returns only New, Open, and Pending tickets looks like this: Status is less than Solved. |
Ticket: Form
(Enterprise plans only) |
Your ticket forms are available as conditions. Select Ticket: Form, then select a specific form.
See Creating ticket forms to support multiple request types. |
Ticket: Type |
The ticket type values are: Question Incident is used to indicate that there is more than one occurrence of the same problem. When this occurs, one ticket is set to Problem and the other tickets that are reporting the same problem are set to Incident and linked to the problem ticket. Problem is a support issue that needs to be resolved. Task is used by the support agents to track various tasks. |
Ticket: Priority |
There are four values for priority: Low, Normal, High, and Urgent. As with status, you can use the field operators to select tickets that span different priority settings. For example, this statement returns all tickets that are not urgent: Priority is less than Urgent |
Ticket: Group |
The group values are:
Additional value for views:
Ticket: Assignee |
The assignee values are:
Additional value for views:
Ticket: Requester |
The requester values are:
Additional value for views:
Ticket: Organization |
The organization values are:
Ticket: Tags |
You use this condition to determine if tickets contain a specific tag or tags. You can include or exclude tags in the condition statement by using the operators Contains at least one of the following or Contains none of the following. More than one tag can be added. Press Enter between each tag you add. |
Ticket: Channel | The ticket channel is where and how the ticket was created. The contents of this list will differ depending on the channels you have active, and any integrations you are using.
For more information about the ticket channels you can configure, see About Zendesk channels and Understanding ticket channels in Explore. |
Ticket: Integration account | This condition checks the integration account that the ticket came from, such as a specific Facebook page, Twitter handle, or other channel integration account, like Google Play. Select one of your configured integration accounts from the drop-down menu.
Note: If there are multiple accounts defined for the same channel type (for example, WhatsApp), tickets can be routed only by channel type, not by a specific integration account.
Ticket: Update via | This condition indicates from where the ticket was updated and can be any of the same sources as the ticket channel condition (above). Answer Bot events can't be reliably identified by this condition. Bulk updates to tickets from the Support interface are recorded as updated via a Web Services (API) channel. |
Ticket: Received at |
This condition checks the email address from which the ticket was received and the email address from which the ticket was originally received. These values are often, but not always, the same. The ticket can be received from a Zendesk email domain such as, or from an external email domain such as The external email domain must be set up as described in Forwarding incoming email to Zendesk Support or the condition won't work. This condition will work only if the support email address is a real user address, this condition will not work for non-user addresses, such as Google Groups, aliases, and distribution groups, when the non-user support address is added in the CC field instead of the TO field. Note that this condition doesn't check the channel from which the ticket originated and can be true for tickets that weren't received through email. For example, when using the Select an Address app you can specify a recipient email address and therefore meet this condition even though the ticket was created in the agent interface. |
Ticket: Satisfaction
(Not available on Team plans) |
This condition returns the following customer satisfaction rating values:
Ticket: Is | Created or Updated. Created will fire only when a new ticket is created . Updated will fire only when an existing ticket is modified and submitted. For more information, see Triggers: The importance of the 'Ticket is' condition. |
Ticket: Subject text | Using this condition you can check for the presence of single words and strings of words in the subject line of the ticket. This condition is not case sensitive. You can use any of the following operators:
Ticket: Privacy | This condition lets you test if a ticket has public comments or not. You can select either:
Ticket: Comment |
This condition returns the type of comment contained in ticket updates. Public is a comment that everyone can see. Private is a comment that only members of the support staff can see. Present (public or private)is used to indicate if the update contains a new comment. Present, and requester can see the comment is used to indicate that the update contains a comment and that it is visible to the requester. This includes private comments, if the requester has permission to view them. |
Ticket: Comment text |
This condition checks for the presence of single words and strings of words in the body of a new comment when a ticket is updated. For newly-created tickets, the first comment in the ticket is checked. A previous comment in a ticket is never used to evaluate this condition. The following content is also checked under certain circumstances:
This condition is not case sensitive. You can use any of the following operators:
Ticket Reopens
(Not available on Team plans) |
The number of times a ticket has moved from Solved to Open or Pending. |
Ticket: Agent replies
(Not available on Team plans) |
The number of public agent replies to a comment from another customer or agent. |
Ticket: Assignee stations
(Not available on Team plans) |
The number of different agents to which a ticket has been assigned. |
Ticket: Group stations
(Not available on Team plans) |
The number of different groups to which a ticket has been assigned. |
Ticket: Number of incidents | This condition takes an action when the number of incidents on a problem ticket hits a threshold. |
Ticket: Within business hours?
(Not available on Team plans) |
Yes or No. This condition is available if an administrator has set business hours.
If you are on an Enterprise plan and have multiple schedules, the "within business hours" conditions are based on the schedule that is applied to the ticket (see Applying your schedules to tickets). |
Ticket: On a holiday?
(Not available on Team plans) |
This is set to yes during the full day of the holiday, not just during your normal business hours that day. If you have multiple schedules (Enterprise plans only), this condition respects the list of holidays set in the schedule applied to the ticket. |
Ticket: Schedule
(Enterprise plans only) |
If you have set up multiple schedules, this is the schedule applied to the ticket. The available values are the names of your schedules. |
Ticket: Within (schedule)
(Enterprise plans only) |
If you have set up multiple schedules, this enables you to compare the ticket update time to any schedule, not just the schedule applied to the ticket. The available values are the names of your schedules. |
Ticket: Custom fields | Checkbox, drop-down, and date custom fields are available as conditions. For all other custom field types, you can only check to see whether a value is present or not. |
Ticket: Attachment | This condition checks whether or not the ticket has any attachments. Both appended and inline attachments are included, with the exception of inline attachments that are added to the ticket using a macro. |
Ticket: CC | This condition checks whether or not the ticket has any CCs on it at the time the trigger runs. It does not check for followers or @mentions. |
Ticket: Side conversation
(Not available on Team plans) |
You can create trigger conditions for side conversations so that assignees know when a side conversation is created, closed, replied to, and reopened. Without them, the agent assigned to the ticket (who, ideally, is also the creator of the side conversation) may have a hard time knowing what’s going on with a particular issue. |
Requester: Language | Returns the language preference of the person who submitted the request. |
Requester: Role | The role of the ticket requester. The role type can be agent, admin, or end-user. Additionally, if you're using light agents, the light agent role type is available. |
Requester: Number of Twitter followers | This is the number of the requester’s Twitter followers. |
Requester: Number of tweets | This is the total number of the requester’s tweets. |
Requester: Is verified by Twitter | This condition is used to verify that the requester is a verified Twitter account. |
Requester: Time zone | The time zone of the ticket requester. |
Requester: Custom fields | Custom user fields are available as conditions. |
Organization: Custom fields | Custom organization fields are available as conditions. |
Current user | You can select any of the following for the type of user that last updated the ticket:
If a ticket is created by an internal system event such as voicemail, the Current user condition is not applied. When a voicemail ticket is created, the first comment on the ticket is added by Support as a private comment and includes the voicemail recording, but Support doesn't interpret the comment as being from a user. The Current user condition is not supported when the ticket is from a messaging channel. |
Ticket sharing: Sent to | Checks whether a ticket was shared to another Zendesk via a specific ticket sharing agreement. |
Ticket sharing: Received from | Checks whether a ticket was shared from another Zendesk via a specific ticket sharing agreement. |
Building trigger action statements
Action | Description |
Ticket: Status |
The ticket status can be set to the following: Newis the initial status of a newly created ticket (not assigned to an agent). Openmeans that the ticket has been assigned to an agent. Pendingis used to indicate that the requester has been asked for information and the ticket is therefore is on hold until that information has been received. On-hold means that the support request is awaiting a resolution from a third party—someone who is not a member of your support staff and does not have an agent account in your Zendesk. Solved indicates that the customer’s issue has been resolved. The ticket is solved even if required ticket fields are still blank. See Required fields and automations. Tickets remain solved until they are closed. When tickets are closed is based on business rules you define for this step in the workflow, using automations. Closed means that the ticket has been locked and cannot be reopened or updated. |
Ticket: Form
(Enterprise plans only) |
Your ticket forms are available as actions. Select a specific form.
See Creating ticket forms to support multiple request types. |
Ticket: Priority | The priority can be set to Low, Normal, High or Urgent |
Ticket: Type |
The type can be set to the following: Question Incident indicates that there is more than one occurrence of the same problem. When this occurs, one ticket is set to Problem and the other tickets that are reporting the same problem are set to Incident and linked to the problem ticket. Problem is a support issue that needs to be resolved. Task is used by the support agents to track various tasks. |
Ticket: Group |
You can set groups to any of the following:
Additional value for macros:
Ticket: Assignee |
You can set the assignee to any of the following:
Additional value for triggers and macros:
Ticket: Satisfaction | You can set this action to: offered to requester. This indicates that the survey request has been sent to the ticket requester. |
Ticket: Set tags | The tags you want to insert into the ticket. The set tag action deletes all tags currently applied to the ticket, or associated with any ticket fields, and replaces them. Tags must be separated with spaces. |
Ticket: Add tags | The tags you want to add to the existing list of tags (if any). Tags must be separated with spaces. |
Ticket: Remove tags | The tags that you want removed from the existing list of tags contained in the ticket (if any). Tags must be separated with spaces. |
Ticket: Add CC | Add an agent or the current user to copy on the ticket update. This action is available when you enable CCs on tickets. |
Ticket: Add follower | Add an agent or the current user as a follower on the ticket update. This action is available when you enable CCs and Followers on tickets. Also, when you enable this feature, the Ticket: Add follower action replaces the Ticket: Add CC action. |
Ticket: Set schedule
(Enterprise plans only) |
Your schedules are available as actions. Select Ticket: Set schedule, then select a specific schedule. When you set up multiple schedules, you must create triggers to apply your schedules to tickets. |
Ticket: Custom fields | Checkbox, drop-down, text, number, and date custom fields are available as actions. |
Notifications: Email user | You can set the email user to any of the following:
Additional values for triggers:
The email notification is sent only if the update includes a public comment. If the update has a private comment or no comment, the trigger can still fire other actions, but it won't send the notification. There's a known limitation for using the Email user + (requester and CCs)action and the Ticket + is + Updated conditions in triggers. Support suppresses emails to a user if the ticket update is from that same user. This is expected behavior to eliminate redundant emails. For more information about suppression, see Understanding suppression of CCs email notifications. Adding the email user action allows you to enter the email subject and body text. Body text can be formatted using HTML or placeholders. See Using placeholders for more information on formatting with placeholders. If you select a different notification destination when editing a trigger, the body text will reset. |
Notifications: Email group |
You can set email group to any of the following:
If you select a different notification destination when editing a trigger, the body text will reset. |
Notifications: Answer Bot | Create a trigger that will launch Answer Bot when a ticket is submitted.
For more information about Answer Bot triggers, see Enabling, disabling, and setting up Answer Bot. |
Notifications: Tweet requester | Respond to the Twitter requester with a Tweet. An @mention, and shortened ticket URL are added to the message so make sure to stay within the maximum Tweet length. |
Notifications: Text user | If you are using Zendesk Text, you can configure a text to be sent to the user when the trigger conditions are met (see Using Text notifications with triggers: Recipes and tips). |
Notifications: Text group | If you are using Zendesk Text, you can configure a text to be sent to a group of users when the trigger conditions are met (see Using Text notifications with triggers: Recipes and tips). |
Notifications: Notify active webhook | Set the active webhook to notify. For more information about using webhooks, see Creating a webhook.
If you select a different notification destination when editing a trigger, the body text will reset. |
Notifications: Notify target | Set the external target to notify. For more information about using targets, see Notifying external targets.
If you select a different notification destination when editing a trigger, the body text will reset. |
Requester: Language | Set the requester's language to one of your supported languages. |
Requester: Custom fields | Custom user fields are available as actions. |
Organization: Custom fields | Custom organization fields are available as actions. If the trigger includes this action, but the ticket isn't associated with an organization, the trigger does not fire. |
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